Thursday, April 1, 2010

It got a few good reviews... trust.

Sometimes, when you really need a boost, do you wish that you could get those movie reviews that have those teeeeeny tiny publication names that Michael Bay usual has?

"AN AMAZING THEATRICAL EVENT!" - the richmond county gazette

"IT MADE ME CRY AND THINK!" - the Juno AA newsletter

"DO WE HEAR OSCAH NOMINATION?!"- Dorchester Newspapah

Anyways.... don't you wish that sometimes you could get unimportant reviews like that?

"GREAT ASS!"- homeless dude down the street

"Youaarrreshoooopretty.NOsheeeriously, so pretty, and SMAAAART. Shit, where's the bathroom?" - Your drunk friend from Freshman year of college.

"You look less fat!" - mom.


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