Monday, April 12, 2010

Can I PLEASE audition for these?

Sometimes, before I go to bed I like to thank The Big Guy for all the wonderful things I have in my life. Family, friends, not having a lisp, puppies, people to make fun of, all the good stuff. When I saw my very first Slomin's Shield commercial, I yelled "HALLELUJAH!". Truly bad commercials like this only come along once and awhile. Thank the lord for the Ad executive that conjured this shit up. The first one is amazing. Awful (-lly good?) acting and really cheap production value. And the couples!! I always like to think about how some commercials would play out in real life. Like the Chase Sapphire Rewards Points commercial (see here) Um, if my spouse was like "hey honey, you know all those points we racked up while we were getting ourselves in massive amounts of debt? I BOUGHT A DRESS WITH THEM! Teehee!" I'd be like "Yeah.... WHAT? You are so selfish, I mean what an awful thing to do! I hate you! That dress makes you look fat! I don't even KNOW you anymore!! Ugh.... BITCH!"

Thats what I would like to see happen with the second couple. 'You KNOW I don't like leaving the kids and the babsitter alone!". Yes, and thats why we haven't gone out in TEN YEARS AND I'M GOING TO BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN IF I DON'T SEE NON-WORK RELATED PEOPLE YOU PARANOID FREAK! What's the point of a babysitter if you don't LEAVE THEM ALONE WITH THE KIDS! I'm having an affair you cold, crazy NUTBAG! I can't deal with this anymore! Ten years of my life down the drain for a BAT SHIT HERMIT!!.... or something like that.

But the BEST is this gem. Bitch is HOSTILE! And he comes from the Acting School of Emoting through your hands (and hair! so fabulous). Thank God Slomin's Shield is there to make it alright.

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