Thursday, April 15, 2010

I wouldn't condone this...

...if it wasn't Sarah Palin. Listen, I don't care if you're a Democrat or Republican, or a liberal or conservative version of those parties, or anything at all. If you're passionate and EDUCATED about the topics and WELL MEANING (most importantly), then go for it! Make signs and march your little heart out! But if you're sole purpose is to kick up dirt and rabble rouse just for the sake of commotion, noise and media coverage, and not for the common good and/or bettering yourself and your country then get the F out of my face.

And I'm not trying to say this reflects on all Tea Party-ers. A lot of these people are very good, educated people who are just horrified at how much the Government takes in taxes and how its getting more and more involved in their lives. Understandable, gotcha. I just hate how she's latched herself on to these groups because she sees that its a great opportunity to make money (I don't even want to know how much money she gets for speaking) and say "down home" (read: FAKE) phrases to the "back bone of America!" (read: people who pay me to speak).

I. just. hate. this. woman.

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