Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What the What? - Olympics!

Ok, before I start sounding like a miserable old hag who hates everything, I should say that I am in love with the Olympics. In love! Every four years, I get to see Bob Costas and his magnificent hair plugs sit in a comfy chair and make inappropriate/snarky comments about the best athletes in the world. I mean look at that guy. He's almost saying "Yeah, I could give a crap about curling too. Let's go get a drink. *wink*"

I also get to witness AMAZINGLY bad figure skating outfits. No reader, your eyes do not deceive you. Those are spandex figure skatin' overalls! Yeeeehaw! Samuel Contesti from Italy thought these would be Olympic worthy, and I can't say he's wrong. If he can't dazzle the judges with his technical skill, he'll blow them away with his plaid. Well played, sir. Well played.

I'll be commenting whenever the Olympics throws me something lovely, or hateful, or what the what, which should be often. Viva Vancouver!

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