Thursday, February 18, 2010

See Mom, if she can wear eye shadow at 13 so can I!

So, this is definitely a "what the what?". 13 year old Alexa Gonzalez here was just chillin' in homeroom in Forest Hills, NY, and felt the need to declare to the whole Junior High that her girls were TIGHT! She scrawled "I love my friends Abby and Faith. Lex was here 2/1/10 :)" in marker on her desk. First of all, amateur mistake girl, never leave your name! And do that ish in erasable pen, so you can edit it, just in case Abby gets braces and isn't cool or Faith steals your cafeteria boyfriend. Bitch.

All of a sudden, Alexa finds herself cuffed and heading over to the local precinct across the street! DAMN!

"They put the handcuffs on me, and I couldn't believe it," Alexa recalled. "I didn't want them to see me being handcuffed, thinking I'm a bad person."

Don't worry Alexa, you just got yourself instant middle school street cred. Someone's getting asked to the Fall Fling by the mildly intimidating cool kid that sits in the back row of every class! He'll probably wear a top hat too. He's that cool.

Apparently Alexa didn't get charged with anything, but what the what? If she got handcuffed for writing on a desk most of my friends should be in Maximum Security for antics in the bathroom (I'll leave that to your imagination) and passing obscene notes about teachers. Kids these days have it hard.

You can read the whole ridiculous article over at

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