Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Another well known fact about me is that bad eyebrows make me go into Epileptic fits. Well, Lourdes Leon is apparently 14 years old, and the daughter of a Bajillionaire Pop Superstar. WHY HASN'T ANYONE TAMED THOSE BEASTS? That poor girl is so pretty, but my eye starts twitching and my hands reach for my tweezer and bleach when I see this picture.

I know some of you are going to be like "That's so mean! She's just a kid!" Well I think its mean for a Mom to see her daughter like that and not usher her to nearest waxing place as soon as she hits 13, like my Mom did. You have to get that ish under control! And her Mom (MADONNA) knows more than anyone what bad eyebrows look like:

Madonna, do your motherly job! You can even make it fun for her. You're so rich that you could hire the Jonas Brothers to sing to her as Taylor Lautner waxes the eyebrows with molten gold and vampire glitter! What 14 year old wouldn't want that?

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