Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ok, this is a case of pure jealousy. I was having a wonderful Sunday morning, nursing my hangover and browsing trashy gossip sites, when what doth mine eyes see? PAULA ABDUL talking about my tap dancing hunk in the sky, Gene Kelly:

"I cultivated a real relationship with him the last 2 years of his life. It was the coolest thing. I would have tea with him- sometimes once a week, sometimes twice a week."

AW HELL NAW. Ok Paula, I know you consider yourself a pretty good dancer, especially with one MC Skat Cat. But if you think this:

Compares to this:

... well, I think you've had one Valium too many ma'am. Why couldn't I have had tea with Gene? I know I was ten when he died, but I think I could have kept up with him, and told him Xanadu was a bad idea. Sigh.

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