Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A little bit of a delayed reaction but....

What in the F were the Vancouver Closing Ceremonies?!

The Olympics saved the best for last this cycle, with the USA v. Canada Gold Medal Hockey game being the last event in Vancouver. Me and my Canadian cousins and their very polite Canadian friends watched it at the restaurant I work at, and it was a lot of fun. The game was AWESOME, going into OT in the last few seconds of the 3rd. Alas, the US lost, but those darn Canadians were so happy and NICE that I just couldn't be mad at them.

I'll give you an example of their maple leaf sweetness. There was this tool bag sitting next to us that, in typical US fashion, was smack talking our beloved Canucks the whole game. When Crosby scored the game winning goal his table got up to leave, and as they passed us he said "Yeah, well we have WAAAAY more gold medals than you guys!". We Americans are nothing if not scathing with our insults. Yeah buddy, the Canadians really care about the medal count when they just won THE SPORT THAT THEY INVENTED AND PERFECTED. Anyways... One of my cousin's friends throws his shoulders back and follows the guy into the crowd. I'm thinking "Fight! Yes!" (as "I'm proud to be an American" was playing. It would have been perfect).

Her friend comes back with a very pleased expression on his face. I'm thinking he told him off real good so we all ask "What happened?" He smiles and says "I walked right up to him, and I told him, I said right to his face what a BAD SPORT he was being!"

Did you just tilt your head to the side and make the "that's so sweet!" face? Yeah, I did too.

Bit of a digression, but we stayed and drank and had fun for the night, so maybe that's why I didn't immediately remember the beaver and leaf laden MESS that was the closing ceremonies.

Lets play a game called spot the stereotypes!
1. Giant beavers!
2. Lumberjacks!
3. Mounties!
4. Moose! (I wanted to put Meese. We need to make that plural)
5. Hockey players!
6. Dancing Maple Leafs!
7. Michael Buble singing "Maple Leaf Forever!"

I'm surprised they didn't have a giant Canadian Bacon slab skating around. This is what it would have looked like if you went into the Canadian "Its a Small World After All" ride on LSD.

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