Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was typing up a letter for my boss this morning, when he dictated that I should get the address of the person in the letter from one of our employees. I ask Employee X to send me the person's address in an inter-office note. Employee X, being a helpful middle-aged man, comes over to the computer and says he'll just tell me as I type. It starts off unassuming :"231..."

and then goes horribly wrong....

"Semen road."

I'm all kinds of inappropriate, but I tried to stifle my giggle. So I type what I hear:

"Seamen road."

Nice save, me! I'm an adult that can type dirty sounding things without laughing! High five!

"Nope, that's not it."

I stare up at fatherly looking employee X and give him the same look I gave my Mother and Father when they gave me the sex talk on a 4 hour drive from Boston to NYC.

and I type:

"Semen road."

Employee X shakes his head and says "No, not SeamEn road, SeamAn road."

I type the rest of the address and thank employee x profusely, pulling up my TASTEFUL v-neck shirt and doing a Hail Mary. He walks away, and gives a side ways look that can only say:


Happy Tuesday!!!! :)

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